Our Projects

The projects we have launched throughout the world use the Gram Vikas USA model to provide clean, sustainable water and sanitation facilities to rural villages. We also support other charitable projects that align with our mission of community improvement.

Global Initiatives

Local KidsOur global projects use the Movement and Action Network for Transformation of Rural Areas or MANTRA model to provide sustainable solutions to health issues arising from the exposure to unclean water. By using the tenets of this model, we help mobilize rural communities to pool their limited resources and cooperatively work to raise their standard of living.

The core values of MANTRA are:

  • Inclusion
  • Social equity
  • Gender equity
  • Cost sharing
  • Sustainability

Identical toilets and bathing rooms are constructed for each household and clean, hygienic water is piped in through a community-constructed water tank.


View Our Projects

Community Improvement Projects

Kibena Dry LandIn addition to launching Gram Vikas USA projects throughout the world, we support other initiatives that align with our goals. The following is a list of projects we have participated in:

  • YELO Bag – we fundraised for and provided 162 school children in Orissa, India with school bags that can be turned into desks during the day used as a light at night.